Saturday, May 16, 2009

June FOTM Early Release

Here is our June Flower Of The Month.. the Cabbage Rose. Isn't it wonderful? It was hand drawn by artist Brooke Smith who is such a talent.

Our monthly workshop was today and we had a great turnout and got to see some stampers we had not seen in awhile which I loved! We released this FOTM to the workshop guests and thought it only fair to release it early to everyone. We hope you like it!

This stamp set is available in the website store in the "Rubber Stamps Flowers/Foliage" section.


  1. Melissa: First....awesome workshop today and I was so glad to be there and see old friends again. Second, I really like this stamp and plan on "playing" with it tonight. This flower "begs" to be watercolored...I might try with pencils or the w/c crayons. Hmmmmm
    Or maybe with some of those new pads I got today. :-)

  2. Pat it was so great having you at the workshop! I agree that the new FOTM is begging to be colored and I can't wait.

  3. This is really pretty and I like what you did with it on the pocketbook ..
