Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Card of the day 6/22/10

I am back from my trip to WI and a good time was had by all! But as always, it is good to be home. :) Unfortunately they had to put my sweet sheltie Sierra down while we were gone and then the night we got home our cat Jackie got terribly sick and had a couple seizures. She is having a hospital stay at the Vet's for a couple days and we are hoping that she starts eating soon so she can come home. Our animals (I am sure like yours) become some big parts of our lives and share such love with us, and it is so hard to see them sick.

But onto The Card of the Day. It is a Sneak Peek for you using a set that will be available on Saturday. It is the Flower Of The Month design my Brooke Smith called Violets. I think it is so pretty! Hope you all like it too.

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