The December Flower Of The Month is now available in the online "Store" in the "New Rubber Stamps", or "READY SET STAMPS" sections. We have unveiled this beautiful image early so that you could use the Poinsettia in your holiday projects.
You have let us know how much you have enjoyed the FOTM program so our artist friend Brooke Smith graciously agreed to do it for another year. Yea! The drawings are all done and in fact the first shipment is suppose to be here tomorrow. I wish I could show you all the new images but you will have to wait month by month... by long month. Ha! The first one in the new series will be available January 1st and you are going to LOVE it!!! In the meantime I hope you enjoy the Poinsettia and the samples below that Dina Gerner created to inspire us. Aren't they gorgeous?!
These will get you in the Christmas spirit....pretty