Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Card of the day 6/1/10

Hey everyone! Did you all have a good holiday weekend? The weather was a bit rainy here in our part of GA but we had a good time hanging out and even caught Iron Man 2, which was great. We also had a 24 hour flu bug run through all 3 boys, but they all survived and are happy it is gone!

Here are a couple cards I made this morning use the sets "Musical Quotes" (saying and bird singing), and "Swirly Note Borders". These two cards are the same except for the pattern papers which is BasicGrey "Sugar Rush" 6x6 paper pad. I added a black paper flower with rhinestone middles in 3 colors for some flash. This was a fast and easy card with no coloring.

Hope you all have a great rest of the week!

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