Thursday, August 19, 2010

Card of the day 8/19/10

Here is today's card! Another Sneak Peek stamp image from another new artist. This is from our new Caddy's Characters line. She is fun and funky and defiantly needed some pink involved. This is another 4x4 card and it is really fun to create in this size.
I also want to share with you my "girls"... while photographing this card I snapped a few of Noel (white Aussie Shepard) and Marble (Plott Coon Hound). They keep me company in the Studio, and I love having them here.
I know I have mentioned before, and just want to repeat that it is a great site to edit your photo's in. You can even add this great frames to your photo's and print them out like this. Cool huh?

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